Donations to the ministry of the church can be brought to Sunday worship, dropped off at the office any time, mailed into 402 N 8th Fredonia, Kansas 66736, or sent electronically.
There will be a short setup the first time you text.
Sprigs and Sprouts Event at Fredonia 1st United Methodist Church
Fredonia 1st United Methodist Church
402 N 8th, Fredonia, Kansas 66736
Phone: 785-378-2764
Event Details:
Join us for a fun-filled day for kids in K-4th grades!
Date: Monday, November 17th
- Starts at 8:00 AM with breakfast
- Lunch will be provided
- Dismissal at 3:00 PM
We will have a day packed with exciting lessons, crafts, science activities, and recreation. In the afternoon, we are thrilled to take a road trip to a local business to explore what Fredonia has to offer!
Important Notes:
A parent/guardian must be present to pick up the children at dismissal.
If the child is walking home, written permission must be provided (see enrollment form).
For more information and to register, please visit our Sprigs and Sprouts webpage.
You can also complete the enrollment form and return it to the Lincoln Elementary School office or the church office by November 15th.
We look forward to a wonderful day of learning and fun!

Service starts at 10:45 each Sunday and includes a mix of traditional and contemporary. You can attend in person or you can see it live on our Facebook page.

Celebrate Recovery
Every Monday @ 6 pm. Dinner and transportation are provided.
Tuesday morning Bible Study
In the parlor at 10 a.m.
Fellowship Breakfast and Workday
All interested folks are welcome to join the second Saturday Fellowship Breakfast in our Fellowship Hall at the church. We will enjoy breakfast, a time of devotion and fellowship. On some Saturdays, the Trustees will also have work time at the church for those who like to help out with projects. Everyone is welcome!
Community Dinner
On the last Sunday of each month, at 5:30 p.m. we provide dinner and a time of fellowship. There is no cost and it's open to anyone in the community.
Fredonia Food Bank
Every Thursday 3-5 p.m. open to Wilson County residents. 517 N.7th
Meals on Wheels
We are responsible one week a month for delivering meals. If you would like to join in this ministry contact Emma Crites.
Rubadub Laundry Ministry
1st and 3rd Thursdays 5-6 we go to the Downtown Laundry to visit and offer laundry money.
Youth Group
Most Sundays at 4:30. 4th-12th grade
Kid's Story Time posted each Wednesday on Facebook Live

We are excited to provide a convenient take-home meal option in the middle of the month. A wholesome, complete meal will be expertly prepared and thoughtfully packaged for your convenience.
Join us at 5:30 for a brief devotional moment, after which the meals will be ready for pick-up and to take home between 5:45 and 6:30. Your nourishment, both spiritually and physically, is our priority.
United Women in Faith
Join us on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at, the church parlor at noon. Good food, lesson time, mission work, and visiting!
Second Saturday Fellowship Breakfast
Come for a free meal! And enjoy the good company and a Bible lesson to boot! We meet on the 2nd Saturday in Fellowship Hall, at 8 a.m. All are welcome, bring a friend and be a part of our church growing in Christ.
Community Dinner
Last Sunday of each month, join us for our Free Community Dinner, at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Crisis Fund
The Ministerial Association offers a Crisis Fund for folks who live in Fredonia or USD 484. Individuals with emergency needs can apply for funds once every 6 months. As you can imagine with the economy being tight the need has risen. If you feel led to help support this ministry you can give a donation through the church (please mark it Crisis Fund) or you can send donations directly to Ministerial Association P.O. Box 221 Fredonia, Kansas 66736
Bells and Choirs
Bells and Choirs are starting up for the year. Vocal meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Bells will be meeting at 5:15 to prepare for Sounds of Christmas. For more information talk to Rebecca Timmons.
The Fredonia Food Bank (517 N. 7th St)
Is open each Thursday from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Nursery Attendant
We are looking for volunteers who will be on our list of nursery attendants to help watch the nursery on Sundays when there are families in worship who might want to use it. You are not obligated to any particular Sunday, we just want to have a list of 4 or 5 people so that on any given Sunday if we need nursery help there will be someone here who can. We have a video monitor in the nursery that will be hooked up to our Facebook Live broadcast, enabling whoever is in there to follow along with the worship service. Volunteers will need to complete the Safe Gatherings certification. If you have not been certified and are interested contact Pastor Alice.
Volunteer Opportunities
Food Bank
Morning Star Church Service
Bell Choir
Sunday Reader (liturgist)
Camera and Sound Board operators (training available!)
Meals on Wheels deliveries
Ushers at our church service
Sunday Hospitality Team
Youth Ministry Team
Praise Band
Community Dinner Food Prep and Clean up
Celebrate Recovery Food Prep and Clean up
We have a church bus to pick you up and take you home Sunday mornings!
Call the church office at 620-378-4860 to set up your ride.
Open the Bus Ride Flyer from our Online Library.