
Youth Group is meeting on Sundays at 4:30.
Youth News
Youth Group meets on Sundays.
Our fall plans include our Mission Trip to Ogden and our Annual Food Scavenger Hunt for the Food Bank.
The Scavenger Hunt is planned for September 15th.
Sprigs & Sprouts
is our program for elementary aged children in grades K-4. We meet at the church from 8:00-3:15 on staff development days during the school year. Each year we will advertise which dates those will be and invite your children to attend. The day includes breakfast and lunch, faith based lessons, recreation, crafts and more. For enrollment visit our Sprigs and Sprouts page. You can also contact the church for an enrollment form.
Youth Sunday School
for those in grades 5th-12th. We meet each Sunday morning at 9:30 for an in-depth Bible study, in the youth room in the basement.
Youth Group Grades 5-12
meets each Sunday evening @ 5:30 for food, fun, and fellowship. It is a safe environment to talk about issues our youth face throughout the week. Please Note: This group is meeting currently using social distancing and safety practices in order to stay safe during this time. If you have any questions contact Pastor Alice.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
convenes right before school and is an action packed summer Bible adventure designed for children in Pre-School-6th grade with lots of hands on activities to help the Bible stories come to life. So Soak up these last few days of summer with some fun games, experiments, take home projects, and more.
Confirmation Class:
Offered to all youth 6th grade and older, as well as to adults to explore faith and the church and prepare to confirm that decision of faith in Christ.
Or in other words, Candle Lighters, all youth or others interested, 2nds grade and older are invited to be a part of our Sunday worship by lighting our Christ candles on the altar for our worship service. Contact Paul Nelsen or Pastor Alice if interested.
Summer Camp and Youth Institute at Baker University:
During the summer we help kids find age and topic appropriate camps to attend. There are all types for all ages. You can learn more through the Great Plains UMC website or visiting There are conference, district and church scholarships available to help your kids get to an exciting and life changing camp during the summer.